An interview by Cathy Holmes from Act3 Media with Michelle Kocourek & Gwen Vonarx about the Hand in Hand Intergenerational Storytelling project.
165) Everybody has a story! – YouTube

Do you, a parent, grandparent or loved one have some interesting memories and life stories to share?


Do you have some time to visit and share stories with a senior?

If you answered yes to one of these questions then the Hand in Hand Generational Storytelling project is for you!

The Hand in Hand Intergenerational storytelling project connects volunteers with seniors. The project was developed by Volunteer Nanaimo through a grant from New Horizons. Our vision is to engage seniors by developing personal connections and story telling opportunities with avid listener volunteers to enhance their lives. Through storytelling, the volunteer will then create a written and/or digital memento for the Senior to share with their family and friends. Volunteers will connect with seniors through phone calls, Facetime chats, and when permitted, in person visits.


For more information or to register contact 
Seniors: Michelle at 250-713-9630
Volunteers: Gwen at 250-667-1803

Or email

Link to Registration form for Seniors

Link to Registration form for Volunteers