ECOFORESTRY INSTITUTE SOCIETY – Board Members, Event Coordinator

ECOFORESTRY INSTITUTE SOCIETY Board Members The Ecoforestry Institute Society is the trustee and steward of Wildwood Ecoforest. They hold the property on behalf of the people of BC and provide a range of educational opportunities. They are seeking Board members… Read moreECOFORESTRY INSTITUTE SOCIETY – Board Members, Event Coordinator

CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY (CCS) – CIBC Run for the Cure Event Leadership October 5

The CIBC Run for the Cure is Canada’s largest, single-day volunteer led event in support of the breast cancer cause. The annual walk/run would not be possible without the hard work of dedicated volunteers. CCS is seeking volunteers to join… Read moreCANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY (CCS) – CIBC Run for the Cure Event Leadership October 5