We promote non profit organizations, their activities and their needs in our monthly newsletter, on our bulletin boards, on our website and on our Facebook page.
We recruit volunteers for non-profit organizations via mass media networks. We maintain a current list of volunteer opportunities and email this list potential volunteers each week. This list also goes to newspapers, radio, educational institutions, employment agencies, etc.
RCMP record checks for volunteers for a reduced price with our letter.
Watchdog I.T. Services provides basic networking and computer services and repair. We also provide mentoring for computers, tablets and smart phones. When we receive donated computers, we refurbish and make them available to non-profit organizations in need and also to individuals in the community who show a need. Contact us to see how we can help meet your technology needs.
Workshop presentations will be offered. We have workshops for volunteers and workshops for nonprofit organizations. We welcome your suggestions/needs.
We print a monthly newsletter
- as requested, we will promote nonprofit organizations and will publish their information to share with others in the community
- we highlight a member organization each month with their specific mission, activities and accomplishments so that others in the community come to know them
- we share a volunteer’s experience each month and we welcome submissions to honor one of your volunteers
- we encourage the joy of volunteering in our community.
We provide Tax services by donation to those in a low income bracket (as determined by the government). Many seniors, handicapped and others in the community who qualify are served year round
We hold a Volunteer Fair where we invite others to present and promote their organization each year.
We present a Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon for city volunteers where their contribution to an organization and to the community is recognized.
Angel Network program where the community has the opportunity to help meet the needs of vulnerable youth, seniors, families, and individuals at Christmas, school beginning and throughout the year.
Angel Network Crafters makes blankets for those in need, knits preemie hats for the hospital maternity ward, and supplies endless quilts, sweaters, sock, mitts and toques for Christmas Angel program and for distribution throughout the year as needed and available.
Youth 20/20 Can Project (15-29 yr.) – youth turn their passions into projects through brainstorming, planning and hosting projects and events.
Volunteer Nanaimo Youth Network (11-18 yr.) – youth volunteer at projects and events with non-profit organizations and with the city.
Silver Adventures Café
This seniors’ program, funded by New Horizons, offers weekly activities and an opportunity for seniors to make connections with other seniors. Activities include crafts, music, bingo, games, guest speakers, service projects and more.
We provide our Board Room for your use by booking.
Public have access to a computer to use and we give assistance as needed to fill out forms and/or do research.by booking.
Autism Library with free public access to manuals, guide books, games, puzzles, handbooks, videos, social skill story books and teaching aids for parents, teachers, caregivers and those on the Autism – Asperger’s spectrum from preschool age through adulthood.
We offer some Tutoring services for those requesting help.