Youth Network

Youth Network is a volunteer project aimed at youth aged 11-17 who are looking to get involved in their community and make a difference! Our volunteers take part in exciting and rewarding opportunities with groups of like-minded youth and leaders to help them along the way! With many opportunities happening year-round, we invite our youth to participate in any or all activities and community events which are of interest to them!

Just click here to download our application form, fill it out and email it to

Once you’re registered, you will be added to an email list where you will receive all upcoming volunteer opportunities and events! Please email us with any questions!

For anyone who would like to become a Team Leader, please click here to download our TL application form. As a Team Leader you will be in a supervisory role during events. You will be required to have a current RCMP check for this volunteer position.


Facebook: Youth Network of Volunteer Nanaimo

Instagram: volunteernanaimo.youthnetwork
